Saturday, April 17, 2010


One important information that I forgot to mention.  Baby Ava is currently breeched.  I've been told she's got time to flip the right way. I've been praying everyday that she does.  I've already heard horror stories of breeched babies. And to be completely honest, a c-section has never crossed my mind. But now, I may have to be reading up on it, just in case Baby Ava decides to be stubborn. 

Friday, April 16, 2010


Welcome Miss Ava Michelle Greene

Baby Girl Ava was not very modest on April 12. As soon as the ultrasound tech placed the probe on my belly, there she was with her legs spread wide open.  The ultrasound tech said, "Your mommy's going to have to teach you to be a little more modest."  I"m glad she was really cooperative that day. The tech said that a lot of the babies she did were not cooperative. 

I can see her facial structures. Amazing.  We saw her actually open and close her mouth during the ultrasound!! It was so amazing to see.

She was moving her hand but you can still see that it's clearly a hand. FIVE fingers.
Hello little footy.

Going to the ultrasound was such a wonderful experience. We opted NOT to do the 4D ultrasound because it would have cost us an extra $300. I mean after all, we will see her soon enough right??  Charlie, Michelle (Charlie's mom), and my mom (Ava) were present.  The ultrasound didn't hurt when she kept poking and prodding my belly. It actually tickled and I wanted to giggle a couple of times.

Baby Ava didn't move as much as I wanted her to but she did move her hand, open her mouth, and she moved her legs some.  There were a lot of things that the tech showed us: the heart, kidneys, belly, spine, etc..She couldn't tell us that anything was wrong or ok.  The doctor will tell us the results on our next visit April 29.

Charlie, me, and my mom were giggling and laughing when we found out it was a girl. Michelle was crying like a baby. She has always wanted a baby girl to spoil. 

Baby Girl Ava measured 18weeks and 4 days..They've moved the due date to Sept 9.

There was  a radio playing nearby. The coolest song came on when we found out we were having a baby girl..."Isn't she lovely" by Stevie Wonder.  How sweet.  I kept thinking. Yes. Isn't she lovely.  Charlie heard it too and didn't say anything during the ultrasound. Later on, we talked about it and he said Yes! I heard it too!!

It's so surreal thinking we will soon have a baby girl. I can't wait to meet her and hold her in my arms!!

The Bump's a growin...

16 weeks

                                                                                                     17  weeks

18 weeks

Wow what a difference a few weeks can be...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Please excuse the lack of posts. April is a super super busy month for me. Last month of nursing school!!! Wooo!!

Quick Updates

*Alas. The weight gain has found me. As of this morning I've gained 8 lbs. At the end of the day - usually a gain of 10 lbs.

*The baby bump is coming along :0)

*April 12. Less than a week - we find out the sex of baby!! I'm so excited. It's driving me crazy to wait this long.

*No more vomiting. Thank God.

*Purchased "Oh the places you'll go" by Dr.Seuss. I have started to read to Baby G. :0)

*Still hate the walmart brand of stretchmark lotion but have been too lazy to go anywhere else to find a different kind. I've been slathering that stuff on every night. I'm talking belly, hips, thighs, everywhere...

*Daddy Charlie talks to baby every night

That's all for now folks..lots to do so little time