Monday, March 8, 2010

Update - 14 weeks

How far along: A little over 14 weeks

Current weight: 118 lbs today; I weigh more throughout the day of course but my weight is consistently at 118

**Weight at my first OB visit was 121 lbs.
**Weight at my 2nd OB visit was 118 lbs.

Total weight gain: +3 lbs. I worry that I am not gaining enough for little peanut

Waist measurement: 32.5 in

Innie or Outie: Outie

How big is Baby G: Size of a lemon

Week 14
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, making urine, and breathing in amniotic fluid. Liver, Spleen, and Kidneys continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy, hair) is growing all over baby for warmth. ~~from

How our 2nd appt went:  The second appt was exciting once again because we were expecting to hear Baby G's heart beat. Unfortunately, Baby G was still a little munchkin and the dr. could not find the heart beat with the Doppler. So he found Baby G on the ultrasound machine and saw that Baby G's heart was beating just fine. I guess Baby G will be a munchkin like momma.

Baby G at 12 weeks

Maternity Clothes: Still sporting the Bella band with regular jeans. Hope this lasts awhile. Pretty soon I will have to buy maternity capris. I did buy a cute sundress (nonmaternity). Hope it fits later!! I've been in Motherhood Maternity and the clothes just look too big for me right now. I guess my plan will be to just wear my clothes until I just can't get into them anymore and go from there.

Stretchmarks: None yet. Lauren suggested a good lotion. Still haven't purchased it though.

Sleep/Fatigue: Textbooks and websites state that fatigue should start wearing off by the 2nd trimester, which I'm currently in. I guess my body is not listening. I think that I am more tired now that I was in the early part of my pregnancy. It could be my heinous busy schedule. There are days especially the end of the week, when it takes all I have to muster up energy to go to work.  I hope this doesn't last long. I hate feeling tired and useless.

Exercising: Hardly any at all. Schedule does not allow for it. And if I do have time, I need to study or too lazy.

Food Cravings: Still no food cravings. I'm staying away from a lot of my fave foods like Mexican, pizza, spaghetti, tomato, basically anything really spicy or red. These give me some wicked heartburn. There are times actually when I don't feel like eating anything!! But I know I must for baby. This queasy feeling should not last much longer.

N&V: I finally gave in and asked for a prescription for Phenergan. Vomiting every night after each meal got old real fast. Plus I was really worried that Baby G was not getting the required nutrients. Phenergan works on some days. I break the pill in half to get half a dose. There are still nights that I take the pill and I still throw up...I tried to take a whole pill once. FYI: Phenergan can stay in your system from 2-12 hrs.  I was a complete zombie when I woke up the next morning. I didn't know if I could function but I went to work anyway. Hours later, I was completely fine. I looked in the drug book and realized that I was just drugged up earlier.  Also..I've realized that my prenatals are causing me to throw up even with taking Phenergan. So I will stop taking them and just take Folic Acid instead. I think I will take some Flinstones chewables to get my other vitamins. According to doc, this is common practice for some women.

What I miss: I miss running. I used to run hard core on the treadmill. My Dr. said I could keep going but I won't listen. I just don't think it's that healthy to run that fast with a baby in your belly....Plus it's a good excuse to be lazy :0) I also miss being able to eat whatever I want. Now, I'm so aware of what I eat for two reasons: 1. For the baby's health  2. Because it could make me miserable. Also, I just don't feel like eating hardly anything, so I miss enjoying food.

What I look forward to: I want to show now. I'm in the awkward phase that looks like I just gained some lbs. It looks like I have a spare tire and just haven't exercised in awhile. I want to look pregnant so people will say, " she's pregnant"

How Daddy Charlie is coping: Charlie is doing great. He is the best husband ever. He's been reading his "daddy book" we purchased and he looks online as to see how Baby G is growing. It's so cute. He'll just spit out some random information about baby that I didn't know. I honestly think he knows how much Baby G is growing more than me.

For Valentines - He had bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and had them delivered to the hospital. That was a very nice surprise.  He also took me out to Cracker Barrel. It was what I wanted at the time but of course later vomited it up. Charlie also bought me a Willow Tree Figurine. I collect these. It's called Cherish and I love it!

How I'm coping:  Doing ok. Been really concerned that I'm not gaining much weight. I just can't eat sometimes. I keep voicing this to my already-moms-nursing friends and they keep telling me this is normal. Hopefully soon I will be eating like a cow and I will complain about gaining too much weight. I just keep thinking that if I'm not gaining much weight then baby is not growing. Does that make sense??

Also, I've been worried about work. I do an extreme amount of pulling, tugging,and pushing in the ICU.  I'm talking like hundreds of pounds (of usually dead weight - due to being in a coma) - distributed by two people - me and the nurse.  The nurses have been great about getting more help and sometimes telling me NO! don't do that. But there are a lot of times when I HAVE to. I get worried that something will go wrong and hurt Baby G.  Gosh I'm starting to sound paranoid.

Old Wives Tales: According to my sweet grandmother - I will get prettier if I have a baby girl. AND...I will get UGLIER if I have a baby boy. LOL. I hope I have a baby girl then.

Also, a nurse at work took a paperclips, rubber band, and a pencil and held it up at my wrist. According to this very scientific gadget, I will have a boy. AND I will have a total of 3 kids - 2 boys and one girl.  Who needs ultrasounds right? LOL.

Purchases: Charlie - the wonderful husband that he is - surprised me one night and bought Baby G's crib!! We had picked it out at Target but they did not have any in stock. Apparently he has been checking all Target stores like crazy and finally found one. He surprised me after he came home from work. It was a great surprise!!  Below is a pic of the crib.

Also - Charlie surprised me another day while I was at work.  Baby G - only has one tiny closet. In the past, it was just one shelf and one bar for hanging clothes. I came home one day to this.

Charlie had put up three shelves and two have hanging racks. I'm so very lucky to have such a great husband!!! I can't wait to start hanging up little Baby G's clothes on here!!!

Next Dr's Appt:  Our next appointment is Tue March 30 @ 3:30 pm with Dr. Keeley. Hopefully we get to hear Baby G's heart beat then!!! Also April 12 - we find out Baby G's sex!!! I CANNOT wait until then. Charlie and I are sooo excited!! We think we are having a girl. What do you think????

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